A podcast

by a therapist, for financial advisors

that focuses on the intersection of psychology and financial planning. Through expert guest interviews from across the globe, we’ll explore insights, research, and implementation practices to help you with financial planning…and beyond.

Ashley Quamme

Playing host of Planning & Beyond is one of the many roles & titles, Ashley has. As a Financial Behavior Specialist & Therapist, Ashley serves as a Fractional Financial Behavior Officer for firms. You can check out her practice Beyond the Plan™ for more information. As a human, Ashley is married to her college sweetheart, a CFP®, and together they have two kiddos. When not on the soccer field or volleyball court cheering loudly, you can find Ashley lifting weights, tubing on the lake, or singing & dancing to…well, everything.

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Guest Experts

Our guest experts range from financial planners, psychologists, therapists, professors, researchers, coaches, entrepreneurs, you name it.

Got a guest that you’d like to suggest? Email me with their name and reason what you’d like to hear them talk about.