Episode 1– Stepping Into the Unknown: Launching ‘Planning & Beyond’


Starting something new is a wild ride, filled with the highs of excitement and the lows of anxiety. Just like Rapunzel stepping out of her tower in Disney's Tangled, I'm stepping into the unknown with this inaugural episode of Planning and Beyond. Join me, Ashley Quamme, as I share my journey of launching this podcast and the whirlwind of emotions that come with it. We'll explore the significance of forming genuine connections through vulnerability and openness, and I'll reveal how my 15 years as a therapist have shaped my identity and path.


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Ashley Quamme, LMFT

Ashley works as a Financial Behavior Specialist and Financialt therapist. She is the Founder of Beyond the Plan™ and The Wealthy Marriage.


Episode 2– Navigating Client Relationships in Financial Planning